Scientific Publications — Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

At Soterix Medical we believe rigorous science leads to better clinical outcomes and drives innovation. Soterix is at the forefront of both cutting edge scientific research and dissemination of medical insight technologies.

Publications Over Time

Publications per year on a linear and logarithmic scale. With the log scale, percentage increases and decreases are comparable.

Related Keywords

Scientific journal articles are categorized by keywords. This diagram bundles keywords that have appeared together in articles.

Authors Co-occurrence

This matrix diagram visualizes author co-occurrences in publications indexed on Each colored cell represents two authors that appeared in the same publication; darker cells indicate authors that co-occurred more frequently. Use the drop-down menu to reorder the matrix and explore the data.

A network can be represented by an adjacency matrix, where each cell represents the number of co-authorships amoung collaborators. Here, the axes represent authors, while cells represent co-occurrence in a peer-reviewed journal articles. Given this two-dimensional representation of a graph, a natural visualization is to show the matrix. This example lets you try different orderings via the drop-down menu.


Another way to show collaborations is using edge bundling to visually bundle adjacency edges from the matrix diagram above.


Relative changes in magnitude can be expressed in the radius of a circle, especially when time-series data can't be clearly expressed in a line graph due to discontinuities and interpolation wouldn't be appropriate.

A linear transformation from domain to range is used to scale the number of publications to the radius of a circle.

Data from The National Library of Medicine (Updated: November 2013).