Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Accessories

Individual accessories and pre-packaged kits for Galvanic Vestibular stimulation clinical trials

Soterix Medical provides a range of accessories designed to work with Soterix Medical Galvanic Vestibular Stimulators and optimized for clinical ease-of-use and safety. A basic or complete kit can be provided with each Soterix Medical stimulator. Replacement components sold separately.

Proper accessories for Galvanic Vestibular stimulation are critical because

  • Accessory quality including electrode, electrolyte, holder, and head-gear fundamentally determine tolerability. Lack of control of sensation compromises reproducibility and safety.
  • The importance of secure electrode positioning is amplified in experiments where the subject may be moving, as occurs in GVS by study design (for example subject walking) or as a result of stimulation.
  • The current flow through the head is determined by the details of electrode montage. Reproducibility requires a constant and stable placement of electrodes.

Both the GVS HEADstrap and the GVS Headset (MARS) work with any of our GVS devices to deliver precise and safe Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Both headgears are compatible with the Vestibular HD Electrode Holder, HD Electrodes and HD-GEL Conductive Gel.

Galvanic Vestibular Accessories

Both the GVS HEADstrap and the GVS Headset (MARS) work with any of our GVS devices to deliver precise and safe Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Both headgears are compatible with the Vestibular HD Electrode Holder, HD Electrodes and HD-Gel Conductive Gel.

Galvanic Vestibular Holder

Vestibular HD Electrode Holder and HD Electrodes

Based on the unique Soterix Medical HD-tDCS technology, the Vestibular HD Electrode Holder is further enhanced to accommodate the needs of Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation using either Direct Current or Pulsed Current waveforms. Two (2) Vestibular HD Electrode Holders are provided in the basic kit with each Stimulator. Each Vestibular HD Electrode Holder is positioned over the mastoid process and held in the place by either the Vestibular HEADstrap or the GVS Headset (MARS). The Vestibular HD Electrode Holder is designed to accommodate Soterix Medical HD-tDCS electrodes. Ten (10) HD Electrodes are also provided in the basic kit with each Stimulator. Similar to Soterix Medical HD-tDCS technology, the Vestibular HD Electrode Holder and HD Electrodes provide superior comfort and reproducibility.


HD-GEL Conductive Gel

High capacity gel that fills the Vestibular-HD Electrode Cup and provides contact between the HD-electrode and the skin (mastoid process). The HD-GEL maximizes tolerable stimulation. One (1) tube comes in the basic kit with each stimulator. When used with the Vestibular-HD Electrode Cup, the HD-GEL has optimal electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and phase drying for reliable contact conditions for the entire duration of the intervention.

Caution! Investigational Device. Federal (or United States) law limits device to investigational use.