Soterix Medical tDCS Solutions

The Only Device, Accessories and Software Designed for transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

What is tDCS?

What is tDCS

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive procedure in which a device sends a small Direct Current (DC) across the scalp to modulate brain function. The Soterix Medical 1x1 tDCS Low-Intensity Stimulator sends a low-level current from the positive electrode, anode, to the negative electrode, cathode. When the extremely low level current passes from the anode to the cathode, it may simultaneously increase the activity of the brain by the anode and decrease the activity of the brain near the cathode.

tDCS mechanisms are considered to result from the ability of very weak DC currents to safely induce reversible changes in cortical plasticity. The induction of lasting changes in cortical excitability can, under some conditions, reversibly modify behavior and interact with normal learning. Such findings have driven a large number of studies examining whether tDCS might induce functionally significant changes in patients with a large variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

tDCS dose can be defined as: 1) The size and position of the electrodes on the body and 2) The duration (in minutes) and intensity (in mA) of current passed across the electrodes. Soterix Medical tDCS systems allow precise reproduction of tDCS doses commonly used in medical literature. Soterix Medical engineers can work with you to determine the best configuration for your application. tDCS is an investigational technique and it is the responsibility of the operator to determine the appropriate tDCS dose.

tDCS safety is supported by medical literature to have common side effects limited to mild and reversible skin irritation when using standard tDCS protocols and guidelines. Soterix Medical tDCS stimulators and electrodes are uniquely designed to minimize skin irritation – for example, the exclusive SMARTscan feature provides a simple indicator to the operator of the contact conditions before, during, and after stimulation. tDCS is an investigational technique, and it is the responsibility of the operator to identify and follow the most appropriate safety protocols.

tDCS comfort can be controlled by the operator by using devices, such as the Soterix Medical 1x1 tDCS Low-Intensity Stimulator, which are specifically designed for clinical tDCS. For example, the unique PRE-STIM TICKLE and RELAX features available on all Soterix Medical 1x1 models are designed to condition the skin prior to stimulation and allow the operator to accommodate subject feedback without stopping stimulation.

Soterix Medical tDCS Systems

The Soterix Medical tDCS stimulators and accessories is the first platform designed by researchers and biomedical engineers for transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. The solution remains the only platform with custom features allowing simple to use and reproducible set-up, electrodes and headgear (including the exclusive EASYpads™ and EASYstrap™) designed and tested for tolerability, and software driven Neurotargeting.

The Soterix tDCS devices provide the most advanced stimulation technology in an intuitive user interface.

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tDCS 1x1 platforms

Soterix Medical tDCS Accessories

Every tDCS accessory is optimized for simple and consistent set-up, robust and safe performance, and ease-of-use. Since "one size does not fit all" in tES, the Soterix Medical accessory set provides the flexibility to optimize performance. From EASYpads™ to EASYstraps™, Soterix Medical tDCS accessories are designed and validated specifically for our tDCS platforms. Our scientific team is ready to help you select the best accessory set to make your tDCS device the most optimized platform adjustable to any application.

1x1 tDCS Accessories »

Fully compatible and expandable with all Soterix Medical 1x1 accessories

Soterix Medical tDCS Software

Optimization of electrode montage for brain targeting and individual subject customization has never been as easy as with Soterix Medical's Neurotargeting software. With recognition that placing an electrode "over" a target does not support rational tDCS does design, the Soterix Medical Suite of software tools allow simple and automatic optimization. Soterix Neurotargeting software also provides high-resolution current flow visualization that can be used to support publications, presentation and proposals.

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Soterix Medical Neurotargeting Software

The Soterix Medical tDCS Advantage

In 2008, when Soterix Medical was founded to support clinical research on tDCS, no device included features designed for tDCS, no electrodes designed for consistent tDCS were available, head-gear was limited to rubber-bands, and researchers did not have access to any software to guide current to targeted regions. Today, Soterix Medical continues to set the standard for design and innovation in tDCS.

Clinicians and researchers choose Soterix Medical 1x1 systems to:

  1. Ensure reproducible and precise stimulation operation across subjects and time.
    When precision cannot be compromised, leading clinical investigators choose Soterix Medical 1x1 products. Each device is optimized to produce consistent output and performance. With Soterix Medical, you can worry about your study design and your subjects, knowing the device is engineered to the highest medical standards.
  2. Provide for simple and comfortable set-up and stimulation.
    The 1x1 platform of devices, software, and accessories are uniquely designed for tDCS with rational optimization to your study. One size does not fit all. For each application, Soterix Medical engineers consulted with clinical leaders to determine the best practices and optimal stimulation settings. Each Soterix Medical device is further simplified to ease-of-use and robust operation - one looks at our device designs and the focus on usability is clear.
  3. Conduct clinical studies with state of the art control and safety features.
    Advancing the practice of tDCS requires devices and protocols integrating the latest advances in technology and science. Soterix Medical was founded to support this effort and continues to provide unparalleled support to every user. Devices and accessories incorporate exclusive features for rigorous trial design, tolerated procedures, and reproducible protocols*.

*Soterix Medical does not provide consulting or support on technologies, including electrodes and dose guidelines, not produced or explicitly endorsed for compatibility by Soterix Medical or our authorized distributors. For tDCS concerns not using the 1x1 platform and accessories, please contact your vendor directly.

First device designed for tDCS

First optimized tDCS electrode

First device with triple blinding capability

First pre-saturated snap tDCS electrode

First automated fixed-position tDCS headgear

Verified MRI and PET Compatibility

1x1: 1 anode, 1 cathode. Infinite possibilities.

The Soterix Medical 1x1 platform of devices is the industry standard for clinical trials with transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). 1x1 tDCS montages uses two electrodes: the Anode electrode and the Cathode electrode. The Anode electrode has a positive voltage relative to the Cathode electrode. Current enters the body under the Anode electrode, flows through the brain, and exits the body at the Cathode electrode. By controlling the position of the anode and cathode electrode, the current flow through the brain can be targeted. Reliable current delivery and reproducible electrode placement is therefore critical for reproducible tDCS outcomes – Soterix Medical unique device and accessory design allows the more reliable dose delivery with the simplest and more intuitive set-up.

The Soterix Medical 1x1 platform and accessories allow application of all standard tDCS montages as well as flexibility to design your own innovative montages. Below are three common montages used in tDCS clinical trials with typical device settings. Have a new target or montage? Soterix Medical scientists are ready to assist in dose design and selecting the right equipment and accessories for your needs, or leverage tDCS-Explore for the most advanced current flow modeling tools at your fingertips.

Integration of stimulation with monitoring technologies

4x1 HD-tDCS integrated with EEG.

With increased interest in the use of monitoring, such as EEG, PET, MEG, Eye-tracking, NIR and fMRI in conjunction with Soterix tDCS and HD-tDCS, Soterix Medical remains the only company with the technology and expertise to ensure successful integration. Stimulation generates artifacts in all monitoring modalities including fMRI (Antal A et. al 2012), such that use of technically compatible devices without also integrating rational trial design can lead to errant findings.

Technology-informed integration of tDCS with monitoring technologies such as EEG, PET, MEG, NIR, fMRI, and eye tracking, is essential. tDCS⁺ is a free service to every Soterix Medical tDCS and HD-tDCS user. Soterix Medical tDCS⁺ leverages the experience of our clinical partners and our unmatched biomedical expertise. tDCS⁺ is open to cross-platform compatibility so that you can use the monitoring technology you want and trust.

Soterix Medical biomedical engineers are available to discuss the combination of rational measurement with our industry standard Soterix tDCS and HD-tDCS. Only Soterix Neurotargeting allows co-registration of current flow and measured responses.

Caution! Investigational Device. Federal (or United States) law limits device to investigational use.