Interferential Stimulation (IF) is the simultaneous application of two (or more) sine waves, both at high but slightly different frequencies, via two (or more) pairs of electrodes or two current sources. The summation of two high frequency (HF) sine waves of slightly different frequencies results in a waveform that is a HF carrier-wave (average of the two sine waves) modulated by a low frequency envelope oscillating at a "beat" frequency. This beat frequency is the difference of the frequencies of the two sinusoids (figure below). It is known that neurons due to their intrinsic low-pass filtering do not respond to high frequencies (i.e. >100Hz) and so IF depends on only the “beat” interaction leading to neuromodulation.
More generally, High-Frequency (HF) or High-Rate (HR) stimulation is the use of frequencies at 1 kHz or above. HF / HR approaches including IF /TI stimulation are among the most exciting in electrotherapy (including neuromodulation, brain stimulation, rehabilitation, and bio-electric medicine) because they may produce distinct effects on the body compared to the conventional (100 Hz and lower) stimulation frequencies. Clinically, these differences can span unique therapeutic benefits as well as distinct side-effect benefits. Precisely because HF / HR interventions operate at frequency range well above conventional frequencies, it is also believed HF / HR stimulation engages unique cellular targets and mechanisms.
For several decades (usage reviewed in Pope et al, 1995 and more recently in Shah and Farrow, 2012), this summation "beat" principle has been used in non-invasive electrical stimulation in approaches called Interferential Therapy (IF) or more recently called Temporal Interference (TI) stimulation (Grossman et al, 2017). For a broad historical review, see Guleyupoglu 2013. The use of IF/TI for medical stimulation dates to at least the 1970’s, (Brown, 1975) but earlier applications in Russia (erstwhile USSR) have been reported. Based on the MxN HD platform, the Soterix Medical Interferential Neuromodulation System is the first research / clinical grade stimulator, that provides customizable precise IF/TI stimulation. Moreover, the Interferential Neuromodulation System is fully comparable with Soterix Medical HD headgear and electrodes, making it the only certified "out-of-the-box" complete IF/TI stimulation system.
Despite tremendous promise, understanding and characterizing HF / HR stimulation remains an important question. Therefore, any research involving this technique critically depends on the use of stimulators that can reproduce HF / HR waveforms with precision. As the trusted technology leader in non-invasive electrical stimulation, Soterix Medical’s Interferential Neuromodulation System is the standard for rigorous IF/TI research and trials.
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Based on the ground-breaking MXN platform, Soterix Medical introduced the first Interferential Stimulation (IFS) system (HD-IFS) specially developed for clinical (human) brain stimulation research in 2018. This first generation system was validated in numerous clinical studies (Zhu-2022, Zhang-2022, Iszak-2023) . Building on this start, the new HD-IFS PRO stimulator is a fully software controlled system with un-matched specifications. The system provides the necessary frequency resolution needed to faithfully re-create interferential or temporal interference in the desired brain target. Each internal current source can reliably drive relevant weak current intensities through head physiologic loads up to the desired kHz range and with minimal cross-talk. The IFS stimulator is the only device designed for consistent, controlled and precise current delivery in the HF/HR range.
The HD electrode was first developed by Soterix Medical in 2009 allowing current steering across the head with arrays of small electrodes. HD stimulation has been since validated in over 30,000 sessions. When tolerability and control cannot be compromised, HD electrodes are the only choice for multi-channel transcranial electrical stimulation applications like IF/TI.
Where do you position the 2 current source pairs for IF/TI stimulation? Use Soterix Medical targeting software, to determine the best IF/TI configuration for any desired brain target. Either choose a brain target (a talairach label, labels from the human connectome project, or any voxel in the brain) or be guided by EEG (using the reciprocity principle) to determine the optimal electrode configuration.
The Soterix Medical IFS Stimulator allows for stimulation combined with dense recording applications. Leverage our integrated technology solutions to pair with research-grade EEG, fNIRS, PET, and fMRI options you want and trust. Use our unique electrode holders to hold an IFS stimulation electrode and the recording electrode at the same scalp location by either: a) holding both at the same time or b) holding either one, one at a time. The possibilities are endless. Use our custom MRI kit to easily integrate our IFS stimulator with MRI/fMRI.
Soterix Medical IFS systems can be used in the fMRI/MRI using a unique IFS-MRI kit. These complete kits provide an easy solution for full integration of our IFS stimulator with MRI/fMRI. The setup is rated to be compatible with any sequence in a 7T machine in Normal and First Level modes.
Soterix Medical Engineers have designed the MRI/fMRI accessories while keeping in mind the subject’s safety, stimulation tolerability, and the operator's ease-of-use. The unique setup uses filters through the patch panel for exceptional RF noise control, providing unmatched reliability. Learn more...
Sine, DC, Pulse, Custom Waveforms (available upon request) |
0.1 Hz to 100 kHz |
2, 4, and 8 (fully isolated) |
±3 mA per channel, ±10 mA total |
2.5 Msamples/s |
<0.05% (frequency-dependent) |
0.01% |
±30 V |
Full control via MATLAB, Python, and C++ |
BNC trigger or software trigger via MATLAB, Python, and C++ |
Validated MRI-compatible solution for 2, 4, and 8-channel configurations |
Compatible with ANT Neuro, BioSemi, Brain Products, Compumedics, Geodesic, g.tec, mBrainTrain, NeuroScan, Wearable Sensing, and more* *Compatibility with other EEG vendors is available upon request. |