tDCS-LTE and Snap Accessories by Soterix Medical

Unique tDCS technology producing unmatched outcomes. Soterix Medical platforms combine these five key enabling technologies:

tDCS has been approved in several countries for depression and pain treatment. In the USA, information on this web-page is provided to investigators as part of ongoing clinical trials including the FDA-IDE tDCS-LTE trials. Current or prospective clinical trial centers, including tDCS-LTE Depression sites, should contact Soterix Medical at

1. Electrode positioning is critical to outcomes

SNAPstrap Head-gear automatically positions electrode in the optimal location for targeting the DLPFC brain regions. Faster and less error-prone than convectional rubber bands or caps1. Simple and reliable enough for self-application.(2,3)

2. The most advanced electrodes for tDCS

SNAPpad™ electrodes are the most advanced pad electodes designed for tDCS - providind both unmatched performance and easy of use. Trials using Soterix Medical technology provode unique outcomes because electrodes are essential for efficacy and reliability. This spans stimulation at common intensties up to 2 mA, and higher doses up to 5 mA made practical only by Soterix Medical technology9.

SNAPpad™ electrodes are optimized for tDCS reliability using rivet-control of current edge buildup and advanced sponge materials for consistent skin contact.
SNAPpad™ electrodes are the easy to use, even in home-settings, coming fully assembled and saturated with a single snap connector.

Single-use means no hassle or concerns about cleaning electrodes.

3. Intelligent and adaptive stimulation

Soterix Medical’s tDCS stimulators are engineered to provide the most reliable output under typical and unexpected conditions. Based on a decade of algorithm optimization and validation, Soterix Medical advanced stimulators produce human trials outcome that cannot be matched by simplistic devices. Central to these control algorithms is tDCS Limited Total Energy (LTE).

Soterix Medical’s exclusive Limited Total Energy (LTE) output management software automatically adjusts delivered current to avoid aborted sessions and to minimize power.4 This provides unparalleled reliability and tolerability, even in home-settings.(2,3)

4. Comprehensive Clinical Data including tDCS-LTE


Clinical Trials


Mechanistic Studies


Technology Validation Studies

Soterix medical unique technology (including LTE) has been validated in the largest and most compressive clinical trials (complete Soterix Medical device trials). This includes the ELECT-tDCS depression trials published in the New England Journal of Medicine5 that leveraged tDCS-LTE™ devices and the OLE snap-strap for optimized DLPFC stimulation. Soterix Medical tDCS technology is the most widely used stimulation solution on the market.

5. Remote supervised tDCS

Soterix Medical REMOTE Neuromodulation is the only system with device, accessories, and software designed for deployed use7. Safe transcranial Electrical Stimulation requires advanced systems designed for consistency and control. REMOTE Neuromodulation is the only system designed from the ground up to allow translation of clinical tES, including tDCS protocols, to diverse deployed environments, while maintaining medical standards.8


  • 1. Updated Technique for Reliable, Easy, and Tolerated Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Including Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jan 3;(155). doi: 10.3791/59204.
  • 2. Generalizing remotely supervised transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): feasibility and benefit in Parkinson's disease. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2018 Dec 7;15(1):114. doi: 10.1186/s12984-018-0457-9.
  • 3. Remotely supervised transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis: Results from a randomized, sham-controlled trial. Mult Scler. 2018 Nov;24(13):1760-1769.
  • 4. Methods for extra-low voltage transcranial direct current stimulation: current and time dependent impedance decreases. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Mar;124(3):551-6. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2012.07.028.
  • 5. Trial of Electrical Direct-Current Therapy versus Escitalopram for Depression. Brunoni A.R., Moffa A.H., Sampaio-Junior B., Borrione L., Moreno M.L., Fernandes R.A., Veronezi B.P., Nogueira B.S., Aparicio L.V.M., Razza L.B., Chamorro R., Tort L.C., Fraguas R., Lotufo P.A., Gattaz W.F., Fregni F., Benseñor I.M.; ELECT-TDCS Investigators. (2017)
  • 6. Pilot trial of home-administered transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of depression. Alonzo A, Fong J, Ball N, Martin D, Chand N, Loo C J Affect Disord. 2019 Jun 1;252:475-483
  • 7. Remotely-supervised tDCS for clinical trials: guidelines for technology and protocols. Front Syst Neurosci. 2015
  • 8. Remotely Supervised Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: An Update on Safety and Tolerability J Vis Exp. 2017
  • 9. Adaptive current tDCS up to 4 mA. Brain Stimul. Jan-Feb 2020;13(1):69-79. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2019.07.027.