4×1 HD-tDCS / HD-tES Adaptor

The most economical and scalable solution for HD-tDCS / HD-tES.

The Soterix 4×1 HD-tDCS / HD-tES adaptor converts any 2-channel Soterix Medical tDCS stimulator into an HD-tDCS / tES device. The 4×1 HD-tES adaptor is not a stand-alone stimulator, and during stimulation does not generate any current. Rather, the 4×1 HD-tES adaptor intelligently divides and guides current generated by a 2-channel device, converting it to HD-tES (HD-tDCS, HD-tACS, HD-tRNS, HD-tPCS, HD-tODCS). The Soterix 4×1 HD-tES adaptor is thus an ideal solution where an existing 2-channel Soterix Medical device is already in use.

The Soterix 4×1 HD-tES adaptor is fully compatible with HD-tES accessories, and each 4×1 HD-tES adaptor comes with one connector cable to connect to the 2-channel or the 1x1 family of devices.

Soterix 1x1 tDCS converted to 5-channel HD-tDCS using the Soterix 4x1 Adaptor

Fully Loaded HD-tES cap

4x1HD-tES montage video

Soterix Medical devices provide unique performance as these products, the methods of manufacturing are the subject to one or more U.S. or foreign patients or pending applications including but not limited to US9956395B2, US8818515B2, US8718778B2.

Principle of operation

The 4×1 HD-tES adaptor interface is an accessory to an isolated 2-channel tDCS / tES stimulator and does not function as a stand-alone electrical stimulator or generator. The 4×1 HD-tES adaptor device is designed to be used as an interface device between an isolated 2-channel Soterix Medical current controlled tES stimulator and 5 stimulation leads; where 4 leads are connected to one output of the tES stimulator and the remaining lead is connected to the other output of the tES stimulator. The output leads connect to smaller high-definition (HD) electrodes, instead of the larger sponge electrodes used in conventional 2-channel tES. The device operates in two modes: SCAN and PASS mode. In PASS MODE, the 4×1 HD-tES adaptor does not modulate the waveform of the tES stimulator, and acts only as a passive current divider. In SCAN mode, the device uses exclusive HD electrode impedance mapping technology to ensure proper set-up prior to stimulation.

The 4×1 concept

Revolutionary Neurotargeting Software

Optimization of electrode montage for brain targeting and individual subject customization has never been as easy as with Soterix Medical's Neurotargeting software. With recognition that placing an electrode "over" a target dose not support rational tDCS does design, the Soterix Medical Suite of software tools allows simple and automatic optimization. Soterix Neurotargeting software also provides high-resolution current flow visualization that can be used to support publications, presentation, and proposals.

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Advanced real-time control and optimization

4x1 + MRI

Soterix Medical 4x1 systems can be used in the fMRI/MRI using a unique 4x1-MRI kit. These complete kits provide an easy solution for full integration of our 4x1 stimulator with MRI/fMRI. The setup is rated to be compatible with any sequence in a 7T machine in Normal and First Level modes.

Soterix Medical Engineers have designed the MRI/fMRI accessories while keeping in mind the subject’s safety, stimulation tolerability, and the operator's ease-of-use. The unique setup uses filters through the patch panel for exceptional RF noise control, providing unmatched reliability. Learn more...

Unique Soterix Medical IFS-MRI kit

Device features when used with 1x1 device

Each Soterix Medical HD-tES feature was developed by our team of biomedical engineers consulting closely with leading clinical centers. Designed to simply set-up, provide intelligent warning of a fault condition, and allow for adjusting for patient comfort , these features facilitate reliable and tolerated HD-tES. The Soterix Medical SmartScan™ feature is central in all HD-tES and tES devices to allow reliable set-up and monitoring.

Provides a continuous visual indication of electrode quality before and during stimulation.

From pre-stimulation set-up, to during stimulation monitoring, to post-stimulation confirmation, the Soterix Medical SmartScan™ feature provides an intuitive and clear indication of electrode contact quality. Use the SmartScan™ during set-up to adjust electrodes and head-gear for optimal fit. During stimulation, SmartScan™ provides a constant indication of electrode quality and can be monitored during adjustments (e.g. addition of saline to drying electrodes). After stimulation, SmartScan™ confirms a successful trial. Because “resistance” is not meaningful for HD-tES, SmartScan™ was developed by Soterix Medical engineers to provide clinical investigators with a simple to read indication of contact quality.

Clearly indicates the actual current supplied at the moment.

What other devices promise, the Soterix Medical HD-tDCS / HD-tES delivers. The back-lit display can be monitored during stimulation ramp up and to confirm target current intensity is achieved.

Simple and intelligent sham waveforms.

An automatic stimulation sham feature that is engaged with a simple switch. Auto-sham automatically calculates and produces a sham waveform based on the indicated “real” waveform. For example, for a corresponding real waveform of 1.5 mA and 10 minutes, auto-sham will provide a ramp up/down to 1.5 mA at the start of stimulation, and again after 10 minutes, with the timer automatically adjusted such that the total run time is exactly matched to the real case. Based on the Soterix Medical OpenPanel™ design principle: with no complicated programming or hidden drop-down menus required.

Provides continuous monitoring of conditions during HD-tDCS / HD-tES

An exclusive technology from the trusted leader in neuromodulation, Soterix Medical HD-monitor is an intelligent oversight system that provides continuous monitoring of current flow conditions and can engage automatic ramp-down should unusual performance be detected. HD-tES is the most advanced non-invasive neuromodulation system, providing tremendous flexibility to operators. HD-monitor provides a further level of automatic over-sight before, during, and after stimulation.

Optimized for the 4x1 HD-tDCS / HD-tES montage.

The 4x1 HD-tDCS / HD-tES montage remains the more popular and validated montage for unidirectional targeted brain neuromodulation. Devices optimized for 4x1 are designed to allow simple and consistent set-up including in high throughput clinical trials. Simple to use and designed by the inventors of 4x1 HD-tDCS / HD-tES, do not be confused by copycats and compromise the integrity of your trial and safety of your subjects. Soterix Medical Inc. (SMI) 4x1 certification is indicated on all validated 4x1 devices. *All MxN devices can provide 4x1 stimulation in addition to arbitrary configurations.

May be used to supply a very weak current prior to tDCS / tES to help condition the skin.

Tickle™ may be used to both condition skin prior to tDCS / tES or for naïve subject anxious about stimulation. A custom on-off waveform pattern generates mild and brief sensation under electrodes.

Allows the clinician to use a simple sliding bar to transiently decrease the current from the pre-set value, for example based on subject feedback.

Based on feedback from leading clinical centers, Soterix Medical exclusive feature Relax™ accommodates subjects who may be anxious when stimulation is initiated or during the course of stimulation. The Relax™ slider may be adjusted from full to reduced intensity based on subject perception without interrupting or aborting stimulation.


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Caution! Investigational Device. Federal (or United States) law limits device to investigational use.