Soterix Medical HD-tES Neuronavigation

Neuronavigation to precisely and accurately position electrodes for HD-tES

Soterix Medical MXN-33 High Definition-transcranial Electrical Stimulator
Soterix Medical MXN-33 High Definition-transcranial Electrical Stimulator

HD-tES Neuronavigation

Soterix Medical High-Definition transcranial Electrical Stimulation (HD-tES) is a non-invasive technique where desired brain regions are targeted using arrays of scalp electrodes. Soterix Medical neurotargeting software HD-Targets leverages mathematical optimization to automatically determine the best HD electrode configuration for any target. This electrode configuration is based on the 10-10 EEG electrode locations that are simulated on the individual’s MRI-derived head model. While the 10-10 electrode placement on the head model follows typical practice from determining nasion, inion, and pre-auricular points, replicating the exact same placement on the individual during a stimulation session is subject to error. For true patient-specific modeling and stimulation delivery, localizing the HD electrode sites onto the patient’s scalp based on the patient’s MRI ensures precise electrode placement. This as a result ensures precise and consistent HD-tES application and peace of mind when placing the HD Cap on the patient’s head.

Perform HD-tES Neuronavigation in three easy steps:

1) Use HD-Targets to determine optimal electrode placement for your brain target.

2) Load stimulation electrode voxel locations into Neural navigator software.

3) Navigate to stimulation electrode location using individual's MRI and mark location on scalp.

Why immunity to line-of-sight occlusion is important?

Most navigation systems use either optical (infrared) or electromagnetic tracking technology. Both systems perform the same function- however, the technology used to provide information to the operator is substantially different. The optical system uses infrared sensors in combination with light emitting structures that are fixed to the subject’s head via a headband and fixed to a hand-held probe. Both the headband and the instrument must be “seen” by the system’s camera in order to allow navigation. Optical systems are typically more expensive. The electromagnetic systems like the Neural Navigator on the other hand use electromagnetic fields that use reference points on a device attached to the patient’s head (held via headband). Unlike the optical systems, electromagnetic systems do not have to be “seen” by a camera and therefore do not suffer from line of sight occlusion (LOS) issues. In fact, electromagnetic tracking dominates the surgical navigation field due to no LOS issues. Furthermore, the Neural Navigator system uses DC pulsed tracking enabling it to match the precision and accuracy of optical systems.

The net result therefore is a fundamental advance in Neuronavigation – a system that matches the precision and accuracy of optical systems while not being affected by LOS occlusion and is more affordable.


  • Precision of 4mm or better.
  • Spatial accuracy better than 1 mm.
  • Fully compatible with all Soterix Medical HD-tES systems.
  • Direct integration with HD-Targets is coming soon.
  • Import of standard MRI data types (Nifti, Analyze, and DICOM).
  • 3D MR constructed scalp, brain and activation (fMRI) data.
  • Intuitive software workflow.
  • Complete setup fits in a small suitcase making it ideal for bed-side investigation and easy transportation.